
Travel Planner App

Project Overview

In this project, I have built a web tool that allows users enter the desired trip location, departing date, and returning date, so that users will get the a predicted forecast, an image of the location, length of trip, and more.

What did I do?

  • Set up Webpack for development and production.
  • Set up Webpack Loaders and Plugins.
  • Develop front end and back end (server) with JavaScript to handle the requests to external 3 APIs on form submission.
  • Develop functionalities to calculate the trip length and how soon the trip is.
  • Create layouts and page design with Sass that should be usable across modern desktop, tablet, and phone browsers.
  • Set up Service workers.
  • Write Unit test for the function defined in the src/client/js directory using Jest Framework.
  • Write Unit test for the endpoint in the server using Supertest.

Tech stack

  • Programming Languages - JavaScript, SCSS, HTML
  • Webserver - Node, Body-Parser, Cors
  • Web application framework for routing - Express
  • Build tool - Webpack
  • External script - Service Worker
  • External API - Geonames (for Geographic data)
  • External API - Weatherbit (for Weather Forecast data)
  • External API - Pixabay (for Image data)

Weather Journal App

Project Overview

In this project, I have built an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI. This weather Journal App allows users enter the zip code of the desired location and feelings, so that users will record their feelings with weather info.

What did I do?

  • Set up a Node environment with Express.
  • Set up a server with GET and POST routes.
  • Create a developer credential for a Web API.
  • Develop a GET request to handle the request to external API on form submission.
  • Develop a POST request to handle incoming data.
  • Develop a function to dynamically update UI.
  • Develop a function to store and display history.
  • Creating layouts and page design with CSS that should be usable across modern desktop, tablet, and phone browsers.

Tech stack

  • Programming Languages - JavaScript, CSS, HTML
  • Webserver - Node, Body-Parser, Cors
  • Web application framework for routing - Express
  • External API - OpenWeatherMap

News Article Evaluation with Natural Language Processing

Project Overview

In this project, I have built a web tool that allows users to run Natural Language Processing (NLP) on articles or blogs found on other websites. NLP is the ability of an application to understand the human language, written or oral.

What did I do?

  • Set up Webpack for development and production.
  • Set up Webpack Loaders and Plugins.
  • Develop front-end and back-end JavaScript to handle the requests to external API on form submission.
  • Develop functionalities to validate the form input.
  • Create layouts and page design with Sass that should be usable across modern desktop, tablet, and phone browsers.
  • Set up Service workers.
  • Write Unit tests for the functions defined in the src/client/js directory using Jest Framework.

Tech stack

  • Programming Languages - JavaScript, SCSS, HTML
  • Webserver - Node, Body-Parser, Cors
  • Web application framework for routing - Express
  • Build tool - Webpack
  • External script - Service Worker
  • External API - meaning cloud (sentiment analysis)

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