

Problem Overview

Jun, 3, 2020

People manage daily tasks and deadlines at work well. However, in private, people tend to procrastinate tasks that are important for our life, but not urgent. Although a wide variety of task management apps are released, their primary concern is handling the tasks or todos at hand. Unlike those apps, my product "Life Achiever" focuses on supporting users to achieve goals that are not urgent but important for our lives.

Product Positioning
Figure 1. Urgent-Important Matrix

Users of this product are people who have their life goals. Goals can be anything such as writing a novel, owning a vacation house in Italy, and establishing own small business. Another type of users are people who actively continue working on their personal growth. For example, people who learn to code, practice playing guitar, learn Chinese would benefit from this product. Why? Busy users can access their goals at any time with this "Life Achiever" app, can get inspired, and can enjoy thinking about their life.

The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams. - By Oprah Winfrey.

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